The questions that follow will depend on the stage you select
here. If you have been operating for less than a year you are
eligible to apply for up to £8,000 which can be used for
organisational costs not including a personal income. If you
have been operating for a year or more you are eligible to apply
for up to £18,000 which can be used for organisational costs,
salary, or a combination of both.
Forming: I have an idea
You have an idea, and it is in the early stages of development.
I've been trading for less than one year
Your venture is established but has been trading for less than a
year. By trading we mean selling goods or services, not
including grants.
I've been trading for one year or more
Your venture is established and has been trading for between one
and four years. By trading we mean selling goods or services,
not including grants. If you select this stage, we require some
financial data to support your application, details of which can
be found on our financial
data webpage. If you think you might need support to
provide this data, please get in touch with us.
If you have been established for over four years, or had a
turnover of over £250,000, you are not eligible for support
through our awards. You may wish to look at our investment
offer. You can find information about this on our website.