I've been trading for 1 year or more

Your social venture has been trading for over a year. By trading we mean selling goods or services, not including grants.

Scaling up Award

Up to


For social venture costs and/or social entrepreneur living costs

This is a preview of our application form

This is a preview of the application form. Once you are ready to start your application, sign-up to an Award account and click 'Start a new application'.


Contact details


Please enter your preferred first name, the name you’d like us to call you when we contact you.


Please supply at least one contact number.


We ask for your date of birth to ensure eligibility; we unfortunately cannot support entrepreneurs under the age of 16 and we also want to ensure our awards are reaching people at all stages of life.


We ask for your National Insurance number to ensure that we can correctly link records, should you have a number of applications with us.


Complete your details


Whilst we recognise that there are many fantastic entrepreneurs who may not have the right to live and work in the UK, unfortunately we are only able to work with those who do.


Please select the most relevant response for how you first found out about UnLtd/our award programmes and be specific about names and organisations. This helps us track the success of our communications and our work with local partners.


Getting to know your venture


Enter the name of your venture, or proposed name, if you are at idea stage.

If your venture has a website, please tell us the address.


Here we want you to tell us where in the UK your venture will be working. This could be in your local community, borough, city, or county, It could be in several locations or UK wide.


You can select up to a maximum of three sectors that most closely fit.

In your answer we want to know what your understanding of the problem is, who it affects and how. What is the scale of this problem? How deeply do you understand it? Is it a local issue, or national? Does it have a short-term or long-term impact for people or our planet? It would be helpful to back this up with some data if you have it.

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You can select up to a maximum of three types of beneficiaries that most closely fit.


An award (grant) from UnLtd is funding that is not repaid, whilst there is an expectation that an investment is repaid. Our awards and current investment opportunities are on our website. You can select the 'I'm not sure' option if you don't know which option may be right for you yet.


Getting to know you

What inspires you to address this particular social or environmental issue? What is your understanding of this issue and why is it important to you? What makes you the right person to address this issue?

Please note we are sensitive to the fact that many applicants have personal experience of the issues they are trying to address. Please do not feel pressure to share anything that may be upsetting for you, or of a sensitive nature. Any information you may choose to share will be treated sensitively and confidentially by our team.

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We really value the wide range of experiences that social entrepreneurs bring to their venture, whether from their work or their personal experience.  Please state whether you have direct, indirect, or professional experience. We have explained what we mean by these terms below:

Direct experience

Someone who uses their first-hand experience of a social issue to create positive change for and with the communities and people they share those experiences with. For example:

  • Someone who has been homeless and is working to improve homelessness services
  • A disabled person who has set up and is running a peer-to-peer support service for other disabled people
  • A person who experienced exclusion and unemployment as a young person and sets up and runs a service for young people not in training, education, or employment

Indirect experience

Someone who uses their familiarity with a social issue to create positive change for the communities and people who experience the issue first-hand. For example:

  • The parent of a disabled child providing services for disabled people
  • The carer of someone with dementia selling products to support people with dementia to live independently

Professional experience

Someone who uses their professional experience of an issue to create positive change for the communities and people who experience the issue first-hand. For example:

  • Someone who has worked in the NHS managing care services, setting up a care provider
  • A former teacher setting up a service for young people not in employment, education, or training

Of your direct, indirect, or professional experience, please select the social issues that most closely fit your experience, you can select a maximum of three.


What stage are you at?


The questions that follow will depend on the stage you select here. If you have been operating for less than a year you are eligible to apply for up to £8,000 which can be used for organisational costs not including a personal income. If you have been operating for a year or more you are eligible to apply for up to £18,000 which can be used for organisational costs, salary, or a combination of both.

Forming: I have an idea

You have an idea, and it is in the early stages of development.

I've been trading for less than one year

Your venture is established but has been trading for less than a year. By trading we mean selling goods or services, not including grants.

I've been trading for one year or more

Your venture is established and has been trading for between one and four years. By trading we mean selling goods or services, not including grants. If you select this stage, we require some financial data to support your application, details of which can be found on our financial data webpage. If you think you might need support to provide this data, please get in touch with us.

If you have been established for over four years, or had a turnover of over £250,000, you are not eligible for support through our awards. You may wish to look at our investment offer. You can find information about this on our website.


I've been trading for one year or more


If your organisation is incorporated under more than one structure (e.g., if you have a charity foundation and a trading arm) then select the option for which the majority of your trading income comes through.


Enter the exact date of incorporation, found on your certificate of incorporation, or on Companies House/Charity Commission. If your venture has been legally incorporated for over four years at the time of application, you are not eligible to apply. You may wish to look at our investment offer. You can find information about this on our website.

Enter the company or charity number, found on your certificate of incorporation, or on Companies House/Charity Commission.


Enter your last 12 months’ turnover. This gives us an idea about the size of your venture and the potential for growth. If your venture had a turnover of over £250,000 in the last financial year, you are not eligible to apply for our awards. You may wish to look at our investment offer. You can find information about this on our website.


Enter your projected 12 months’ turnover. This gives us an idea about the size of your venture and the potential for growth.


Of your last 12 month’s turnover, what percentage is from traded income?

As accurately as possible please indicate what percentage of this income is gained through trading. By “trading” we mean the sales of products, goods, or services. It may include rental income and housing benefit. It includes the sale of donated goods. Trading might be direct sales, such as the sale of food, clothing, tickets, classes, workshops, etc. It might be a contract for delivery of services to other organisations including contracts delivered through local authorities or public bodies.

For the purposes of our support, you may consider Service Level Agreements or similar arrangements with public authorities, which are specifically for the delivery of a specific project and when they require the delivery of specific results i.e., completion of training, getting into a job etc, as trading income.

Tell us how your work addresses the root cause of the problem you are tackling. Your response should include an overview of your work and how it enables you to tackle the social issue you have identified.

Your response might also include:

  • Key achievements to date
  • Information or insight that leads you to believe your work is making a difference and how you are collecting this data
  • Contracts, funding, or key partnerships you have secured to deliver your work
  • How established your team is, such as staff, volunteers, or your governance structure
  • Where you deliver/will be delivering your service or creating your product
  • What resources have you identified that you will need – these could be physical, human and/or financial

We recommend where available that you provide both quantitative and qualitative data. This means both statistics you might have relating to your impact (number of people into training, education or employment, tonnes of waste saved from landfill for example) and some explanation as to why it’s important for people or the planet. You may want to think about shorter- and longer-term changes, often described as outputs and outcomes.

If you are pivoting your work to increase your impact, please describe the reason for the changes. You also have an option at the bottom of the page to upload supporting documents such as an impact report or theory of change. You do not need to upload any documents if you feel that your answer is enough to demonstrate your outputs and outcomes.

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Tell us about your business model. By this we mean the products or services you are selling to become financially sustainable which in turn will allow you to create a social impact.

Your response might include:

  • What you are selling and to who
  • How you know that they, and others will pay
  • Evidence of trading income, as well as grants
  • Evidence of future work you have secured which gives you confidence that this is a financially sustainable business
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Tell us how you plan to grow your venture and social impact over the course of the award.

Your response might include:

  • New geographies or beneficiary groups you plan to reach
  • The size of increased turnover you are hoping to achieve and how you anticipate achieving it
  • Key success measures you have identified to support your venture to grow
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Tell us how many unique individuals your venture has directly made a positive difference for – by unique individuals we mean that if a person has, for example, attended three workshops they should only count once. If your venture is new or early stage and has not yet benefitted people, please enter ‘0’.


Tell us how many unique individuals your venture will benefit in the next 12 months, and as above, one individual should only count once in your total.

We would like to understand how your work will make a positive difference to people, and whether you are working with them over a short period of time or through more regular interactions.

Your response might include:

  • How people will benefit from the activities/products/services the venture will provide
  • How often you anticipate people will engage with your work (for example once in a workshop, or through daily or weekly interactions)

We can consider requests of up to £18,000 for established ventures.


We would like to understand what your venture costs are. When planning your budget please bear in mind that an UnLtd award can only be used to cover costs after the approval date. Any costs you incur before this date cannot count towards award expenditure. We may discuss your budget with you in more detail as your application progresses.

We can consider all costs relating to establishing or growing a venture which could include things like:

  • Staffing or delivery costs
  • Insurance
  • Enhanced disclosures and other safeguarding costs
  • IT costs
  • Printing, advertising, and publicity
  • Venue and equipment hire
  • Materials
  • Travel and subsistence
  • Volunteer expenses
  • Mentoring and support
  • Sessional and freelance costs
  • As an established organisation you can also attribute some, or all of your budget to your living costs

Please note that the following expenses will not be considered:

  • Funding activities outside the law, against public policy or anything that fosters ethnic, religious, or commercial disharmony
  • Funding to undertake formal qualifications (but can be used to provide short term training if critical to success of the venture)
  • Funding to employ others to undertake the bulk of the award activity

As an established venture we require the following information to assess your application:

  • A financial record of the last 12 months
  • A 12 month financial forecast
  • A list of realistic, detailed explanatory notes that the forecast is based on
  • Your most recent audited management accounts (if you have them)

Please note that in order to progress your application through our assessment process, this information is required. You can use the upload function to attach documents to your application.

If you need further guidance regarding submitting this information, please visit our financial data webpage.

If you wish, you can also add supporting data, evidence or impact reporting.

or drag and drop



Equal opportunities

UnLtd is committed to supporting individuals from all backgrounds to reflect the diverse communities that we serve. Our ambition is for 50% of the awards that we make to go to people who are either:

  • Black, Asian, or from a marginalised ethnic group
  • Disabled

Having this data enables us to spot where we aren't doing enough to ensure our support is truly inclusive for everyone. Through our commitment to continuous learning we proactively use this data to drive improvements in our support. We know that some of these questions are very personal. Information provided on this form will be used to ensure that our processes are fair and transparent. We want to assure all applicants that no information will be published or used in any way which allows any individual to be identified.


We use the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010. We highly value lived experience and equality of opportunity and you should feel confident to share without fear of discrimination or bias. Our commitments to inclusion can be found on our website and are monitored.

Giving us as much information as you are comfortable with will allow our teams to better support you through our assessment process. This can include adjusting our panel process or identifying support such as interpreters. Please specify in what ways we can ensure our process is accessible to you.

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Please provide details of two people who we can contact to provide a reference for you. They should have known you for a minimum of six months and should be aware of your plans for your venture. At least one of these two individuals should know you in a professional capacity (such as an employer, teacher, colleague) the second can be a character/personal referee. To avoid processing delays, please ensure that you enter the email addresses correctly.



You have now provided all the information we require.

If you are ready to submit your application please select ‘Yes’ and then the 'Submit' button and we will then send you a copy of your answers once we receive your application.

If you are not ready to submit please select 'No' and then the ‘Save and Close’ button which will direct you back to your Application Homepage.